How Much Challenging MIPS 2024 Quality Measures Reporting Could be Final Rule?

 MIPS 2023

Since CMS has notified the eligible clinicians already that it has going to upgrade the difficulty level of MIPS, it does this in MIPS 2024 final policy.

CMS is continuously increasing the difficulty level of MIPS reporting every year. So, from MIPS 2022 to MIPS 2024, CMS has also organized its set of policies. Not only have the policy revisions been made, but Congress has also shed some light on the new reporting pathways. Although CMS informed its clinicians earlier about the coming new pathways. And it has utilized the timeframe between launching a new framework as a preparatory phase. So, if we generally compare MIPS 2024 with other MIPS 2024 programs in previous years, we can see major modifications.

Despite this fact, the modifications to MIPS 2024 served a good purpose. CMS is intentionally moving forward toward achieving its goal of value-based care delivery. Anyhow, here in this blog, we will see what are the major challenges MIPS 2024 has accompanied. And is there any way we can battle these challenges to hit the MIPS performance threshold?

Counting the Hindrances in MIPS 2024 Reporting

Scoring Barrier for Quality Measures

The quality measure is a strong pillar of the MIPS program, as it makes the largest contribution to the final score. This year, the contribution towards the MIPS final score is larger. It is the same as it was in MIPS 2022. However, a point of concern arose when CMS finalized to stop or remove some high-quality measures. If you are a MIPS participant, you will be familiar with the benefits of reporting high-quality measles. No worries; if MIPS is new for you, let us guide you here.

The MIPS high-quality measures help participants give a maximum of 10 points to their MIPS score. Anyhow, CMS has now created a clear barrier. Along with this, it has held the payment threshold at 75 points. Thus, this barrier to high-quality measures will impact the providers when every point of the score matters. Otherwise, not hitting the performance threshold can lead them to dead ends. They might get a MIPS penalty as well Neurology Billing Services.

Complexities in the Cost Category; No Monitoring Tools

The cost category has the same proportion in MIPS as it has for quality, i.e., 30%. Meanwhile, there is a problematic factor in MIPS 2024 cost category reporting. CMS has not provided any means for cost performance monitoring. All the information providers have is;

● CMS will give the scores based on their performance relative to others, retrospectively.

● Moreover, the providers can get scores of around 15/30.

Do not confuse it; let us simplify it a little more. This cost category score will be available to you if any cost category measure applies. If this happens, CMS will award 15 points out of 100 MIPS final score points.

MVP Scoring is Not as Easy as it Seems

MIPS Value Pathways are the new reporting framework that CMS has introduced in MIPS 2024. CMS has tried to be a little lenient with MVP reporting and considers it new for participants. However, the novelty of MVPs is a challenging fact for clinicians as well. They have no idea how things will work.

MVP reporting asks clinicians to pick minimum population health measures. Further, CMS has not commented on the scores for each population health measure. So, MVP reporting in PY 2024 is a risk with less insight into MIPS final score information in MVPs policy.

Limitations to the Use of CEHRT

Although we have various reporting options for MIPS 2024 data collection. However, CMS has tried to keep MIPS data collection and reporting a little simple. That’s why it has mandated the use of eCQMs from a certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT). No doubt the data collection will become very simple with this reporting method. However, those using this CEHRT have a risk of getting a MIPS penalty.

Suppose a participant gets a maximum of 15/30 points from the cost category and 20/30 points from the quality category. Similarly, they get sufficient scores from the Promoting Interoperability (PI) and Improvement Activities. But, still, they have to work on the performance improvement factors to hit the performance threshold. The main problem arises when the providers employ EHR for data collection. The CEHRT restricts the possibility of performance data analysis and improvement.

Harder to Find the Optimal Reporting Path

For reporting, there are several choices. There will probably be a difference in scores for each choice. To choose the best course for reporting, we advise starting your data collection early in the year and analyzing the results in the middle. Focus can then lead you to the best possible outcome from there General Surgery Billing Services.


With MVPs in 2024, you'll have the chance to concentrate on specialties and reduce the number of required quality reporting measures to just four. Also, the cost measures that are used are limited to the cost measures that apply to the MVP that has been submitted.
Making use of our consulting is a perfect way to examine your data. The QPP MIPS team of experts can help you choose the best reporting approach. Further, we can be a great help for score determination for eCQMs, CQMs, MVPs, APMs, individuals, and organizations.


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